
5 января 2020 г. 7:52

На данной странице представлена программная реализация функции балансировки. Подробное описание самой функции вы найдёте на странице Балансировка.

Модель данных, с которой работает ниже приведённый код описан на странице: Модель данных.

def simple_deposit_balancing(date=None):
    @param date: balancing date

    def acc(_broker_id, _thread_number):
        return broker_data[_broker_id]['accounts'][_thread_number]

    def get_acc_type(_broker_id, _thread_number):
        return acc(_broker_id, _thread_number)['type']

    # ---------------
    # 0. Prepare data
    # ---------------


    if date and type(date) in [str, unicode]:
        date = datetime.strptime(date, '%d.%m.%Y')

    site_info = SiteInfo.objects.get(name='viva_tm')
    params = json.loads(site_info.value)

    # prepare broker data
    broker_data = {}
    for broker_id, number, acc_type, limit, offset in TMAccount.objects.active().values_list('broker_id', 'number', 'account_type', 'amount_limit', 'broker__offset'):
        if broker_id not in broker_data:
            broker_data[broker_id] = {
                'amount': offset,
                '{}_amount'.format(TMAccount.SAFETY): Decimal(0),
                'unlimited_{}_count'.format(TMAccount.SAFETY): 0,
                '{}_amount'.format(TMAccount.PROFITABLE): Decimal(0),
                'unlimited_{}_count'.format(TMAccount.PROFITABLE): 0,
                'accounts': {}

        if limit == Decimal(0):
            broker_data[broker_id]['unlimited_{}_count'.format(acc_type)] += 1

        broker_data[broker_id]['accounts'][number] = {'type': acc_type, 'max_amount': limit}

    # prepare user data
    user_data = {}
    total_amount = 0

    threads = Deposit.objects.active()
    if params['balancing']['excluded_users']:
        threads = threads.exclude(user_id__in=params['balancing']['excluded_users'])

    threads = threads.values_list('user_id', 'tm_account__number', 'amount', 'tm_account__broker__id', 'tm_account__account_type', 'id')
    for user_id, acc_number, amount, broker_id, acc_type, thread_id in threads:
        if user_id not in user_data:
            user_data[user_id] = {'thread_amounts': {},
                                  'thread_amounts_total': Decimal(0),
                                  'thread_amounts_total_calc': Decimal(0),
                                  'broker_amounts': {}}

        # regarding brokers
        if broker_id not in user_data[user_id]['broker_amounts']:
            user_data[user_id]['broker_amounts'][broker_id] = {'old': Decimal(0), 'new': Decimal(0),
                                                               TMAccount.SAFETY: Decimal(0), TMAccount.PROFITABLE: Decimal(0)}
        user_data[user_id]['broker_amounts'][broker_id]['old'] += amount
        user_data[user_id]['broker_amounts'][broker_id]['new'] += amount
        user_data[user_id]['broker_amounts'][broker_id][acc_type] += amount

        # regarding threads
        if broker_id not in user_data[user_id]['thread_amounts']:
            user_data[user_id]['thread_amounts'][broker_id] = {}

        if acc_number not in user_data[user_id]['thread_amounts'][broker_id]:
            user_data[user_id]['thread_amounts'][broker_id][acc_number] = {'new': Decimal(0), 'old': Decimal(0), 'thread_id': thread_id}

        user_data[user_id]['thread_amounts'][broker_id][acc_number]['new'] += amount
        user_data[user_id]['thread_amounts'][broker_id][acc_number]['old'] += amount

        user_data[user_id]['thread_amounts_total'] += amount

        broker_data[broker_id]['amount'] += amount
        total_amount += amount

    # -----------------------
    # 1. Balancing by brokers
    # -----------------------

    # 1.1. Find ratio for brokers
    for broker_id, data in broker_data.items():
        data['ratio'] = data['amount'] / total_amount

    for user_id, user_details in user_data.items():
        # 1.2. Balance by brokers
        for broker_id, broker_details in user_details['broker_amounts'].items():
            broker_details['new'] = user_details['thread_amounts_total'] * broker_data[broker_id]['ratio']
            broker_details['delta'] = broker_details['new'] - broker_details['old']

        # 1.3. Balance by thread (add delta to first deposit, it does not matter what deposit)
        for broker_id, threads in user_details['thread_amounts'].items():
            thread_number, thread_details = threads.items()[0]
            thread_details['new'] += user_details['broker_amounts'][broker_id]['delta']
            user_details['broker_amounts'][broker_id][get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number)] += user_details['broker_amounts'][broker_id]['delta']

    # --------------------------------------
    # 2. balancing by thread for each broker
    # --------------------------------------

    # 2.1. Balance according to min_amount_rel_for_profitable_deposits
    for user_id, user_details in user_data.items():
        for broker_id, threads in user_details['thread_amounts'].items():
            delta_p = Decimal(params['min_amount_rel_for_profitable_deposits']) * user_details['broker_amounts'][broker_id]['new'] - user_details['broker_amounts'][broker_id][TMAccount.PROFITABLE]

            use_delta_for_s = False
            use_delta_for_p = False
            for thread_number, thread_details in threads.items():
                if not use_delta_for_s and get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number) == TMAccount.SAFETY:
                    thread_details['new'] -= delta_p
                    user_details['broker_amounts'][broker_id][TMAccount.SAFETY] -= delta_p
                    use_delta_for_s = True
                if not use_delta_for_p and get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number) == TMAccount.PROFITABLE:
                    thread_details['new'] += delta_p
                    user_details['broker_amounts'][broker_id][TMAccount.PROFITABLE] += delta_p
                    use_delta_for_p = True

                # calc total amount by account type
                broker_data[broker_id]['{}_amount'.format(get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number))] += thread_details['new']

    # 2.2. Find ratio by thread
    for user_id, user_details in user_data.items():
        for broker_id, threads in user_details['thread_amounts'].items():
            # calc total amount by account type by user threads
            amounts = {TMAccount.SAFETY: Decimal(0),
                       TMAccount.PROFITABLE: Decimal(0)}
            for thread_number, thread_details in threads.items():
                amounts[get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number)] += thread_details['new']

            # calc ratio
            for thread_number, thread_details in threads.items():
                if acc(broker_id, thread_number)['max_amount'] != Decimal(0):
                    amount = broker_data[broker_id]['{}_amount'.format(get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number))]
                    acc(broker_id, thread_number)['ratio'] = acc(broker_id, thread_number)['max_amount'] / amount

            # 2.3. Balance by thread using ratio
            # firstly, use ratio for account with max_amount
            limited_acc_amount = {TMAccount.SAFETY: Decimal(0), TMAccount.PROFITABLE: Decimal(0)}
            for thread_number, thread_details in threads.items():
                if 'ratio' in acc(broker_id, thread_number):
                    thread_details['new'] = amounts[get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number)] * acc(broker_id, thread_number)['ratio']
                    limited_acc_amount[get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number)] += thread_details['new']
                    user_details['thread_amounts_total_calc'] += thread_details['new']

            # secondly, assign the remaining amount for flows without restriction
            for thread_number, thread_details in threads.items():
                if 'ratio' not in acc(broker_id, thread_number):
                    thread_details['new'] = (user_details['broker_amounts'][broker_id][get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number)] - limited_acc_amount[get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number)]) / broker_data[broker_id]['unlimited_{}_count'.format(get_acc_type(broker_id, thread_number))]
                    user_details['thread_amounts_total_calc'] += thread_details['new']

    # ----------------------
    # 3. Create transactions
    # ----------------------
    date = get_next_day_utc((date - timedelta(days=1)) if date else timezone.now().date())

    operations = []
    for user_id, user_details in user_data.items():
        need_thread_amounts_total_check = True
        for broker_id, threads in user_details['thread_amounts'].items():
            for thread_number, thread_details in threads.items():
                # Repair balance if there is old and new thread balance is different
                # with adding delta to first account of first_broker
                if need_thread_amounts_total_check:
                    if user_details['thread_amounts_total_calc'] != user_details['thread_amounts_total']:
                        thread_details['new'] += user_details['thread_amounts_total'] - user_details['thread_amounts_total_calc']
                    need_thread_amounts_total_check = False

                              amount=thread_details['new'] - thread_details['old'],
                              date=date, status=Operation.BALANCING)


Функция балансировки состоит из 4-х шагов:

  1. Подготовка данных: 0. Prepare data
  2. Балансировка между брокерами: 1. Balancing by brokers
  3. Балансировка между потоками по каждому брокеру: 2. balancing by thread for each broker
  4. Создание транзакций: 3. Create transactions

Если подготовка данных для более удобного и оптимального решения задачи занимает внушительное количество строк, то я обычно выделяю её в отдельный шаг с номером ноль.

Для более удобного понимания структуры массива данных broker_data и user_data вы можете смотреть на пример:

--- Data example ---

broker_data = {
    1: {  # broker_id
        'amount': 45000,
        'safety_amount': 33750,
        'unlimited_safety_count': 2,
        'profitable_amount': 11250,
        'unlimited_profitable_count': 1,
        'ratio': Decimal('0.9'),
        'accounts': {
            100: {  # number_account
                'type': 'safety',  # account_type (safety or profitable)
                'max_amount': 8100,  # if 0, then this account is unlimited
                ['ratio': 0.24,]  # can be absent, if account is unlimited

user_data = {
    1: {  # user_id

        'broker_amounts': {  # user stat by brokers
            1: {  # broker_id
                'new': 13500,  # new total amount (S-amount + P-amount)
                'old': 15000,
                'delta': -1500,
                'safety': 11500,  # S-amount
                'profitable': 2000  # P-amount
            2: {'new': 1500, 'old': 0, 'delta': 1500, 'S': 1500, 'P': 0}

        'thread_amounts': {  # user stat by threads
            1: {  # broker_id
                100: {    # tm_account_number
                    'new': Decimal('4500.000000000'), 'old': Decimal('6000.00000000'), 'thread_id': 1,
                200: {'new': Decimal('1000.00000000'), 'old': Decimal('1000.00000000')}, 'thread_id': 2,
                300: {'new': Decimal('6000.00000000'), 'old': Decimal('6000.00000000')}, 'thread_id': 3,
                400: {'new': Decimal('0E-8'), 'old': Decimal('0E-8')}, 'thread_id': 4,
                500: {'new': Decimal('2000.00000000'), 'old': Decimal('2000.00000000')}, 'thread_id': 5,
                600: {'new': Decimal('0E-8'), 'old': Decimal('0E-8'),  'thread_id': 6,}
            2: {
                800: {'new': Decimal('1500.000000000'), 'old': Decimal('0E-8'),  'thread_id': 7},
                700: {'new': Decimal('0E-8'), 'old': Decimal('0E-8'),  'thread_id': 8}

        'thread_amounts_total': Decimal('15000.00000000'),
        'thread_amounts_total_calc': Decimal('15000.00000000'),  # for check of calculation errors

Эти данные как раз получаются из примера, описанного на странице Балансировка.


Автоматизированный тест написан через обычный Django TestCase и запускается стандартным образом через python manage.py test [path_to_tests]. Во вкладках вы можете найти тестовые данные, которые используются при балансировке.





# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division

import json
from decimal import Decimal

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils.translation import activate
from sb_site_info.models import SiteInfo

from viva_tm_wsc.models import Deposit, StatItem, TMAccount
from viva_tm_wsc.utils import calc
from viva_tm_wsc.utils.deposit_balancing import simple_deposit_balancing

class BalancingTest(TestCase):
    fixtures = ('balancing/users.json', 'balancing/site_info.json', 'balancing/deposits.json')

    def test_balancing(self):

        # before testing we need update stat

        # run balancing
        date = StatItem.objects.first().date  # get first date for testing. Else date will be current date of test run.

        # update stat

        site_info = SiteInfo.objects.get(name='viva_tm')
        params = json.loads(site_info.value)

        deposits = Deposit.objects.without_excluded_users()

        # check amount_limit
        for tm_account in TMAccount.objects.active().exclude(amount_limit=Decimal(0)):

        # check ratio
        check_ratio = {}
        p_part = params['min_amount_rel_for_profitable_deposits'] * 100
        for tm_account_id, email, title, user_extra in deposits.values_list('tm_account_id', 'user__email', 'tm_account__title', 'user__extra'):  # email, title: for debug only
            self.assertEqual(user_extra['stat']['p_part'], p_part)

            if tm_account_id in check_ratio:
                self.assertEqual(user_extra['stat']['balance'][str(tm_account_id)], check_ratio[tm_account_id])
            else:  # save ratio for next check
                check_ratio[tm_account_id] = user_extra['stat']['balance'][str(tm_account_id)]

    def test_balancing_with_concrete_values(self):
            This test contains check with concrete values that can be changed if fixtures change

            command: test viva_tm_wsc.tests.BalancingTest.test_balancing_with_concrete_values --keepdb --failfast

        check_deposits = {
            'user_1@vits.pro': {'S-1': 6000, 'S-2': 1000, 'CS-3': 6000, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 2000, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0},
            'user_2@vits.pro': {'S-1': 26000, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 4000,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0},
            'user_3@vits.pro': {'S-1': 0, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 5000, 'CP-3': 0},
            'user_4@vits.pro': {'S-1': 1234, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0}

        # before testing we need update stat

        # firstly, check amounts
        for amount, email, title in Deposit.objects.values_list('amount', 'user__email', 'tm_account__title'):
            self.assertEqual(amount, Decimal(check_deposits[email][title]))

        # run balancing
        date = StatItem.objects.first().date  # get first date for testing. Else date will be current date of test run.

        # update stat

        # and now we can test balancing
        check_deposits = {
            'user_1@vits.pro': {'S-1': 2430, 'S-2': 810, 'CS-3': 3442.5, 'CS-4': 3442.5, 'P-1': 2160, 'CP-2': 1215,
                                'CS-5': 1125, 'CP-3': 375},
            'user_2@vits.pro': {'S-1': 4860, 'S-2': 1620, 'CS-3': 6885, 'CS-4': 6885, 'P-1': 4320, 'CP-2': 2430,
                                'CS-5': 2250, 'CP-3': 750},
            'user_3@vits.pro': {'S-1': 810, 'S-2': 270, 'CS-3': 1147.5, 'CS-4': 1147.5, 'P-1': 720, 'CP-2': 405,
                                'CS-5': 375, 'CP-3': 125},
            # excluded user
            'user_4@vits.pro': {'S-1': 1234, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0}

        check_ratio = {
            'user_1@vits.pro': {'S-1': 16.2, 'S-2': 5.4, 'CS-3': 22.95, 'CS-4': 22.95, 'CS-5': 7.5, 'P-1': 14.4,
                                'CP-2': 8.1, 'CP-3': 2.5},
            'user_2@vits.pro': {'S-1': 16.2, 'S-2': 5.4, 'CS-3': 22.95, 'CS-4': 22.95, 'CS-5': 7.5, 'P-1': 14.4,
                                'CP-2': 8.1, 'CP-3': 2.5},
            'user_3@vits.pro': {'S-1': 16.2, 'S-2': 5.4, 'CS-3': 22.95, 'CS-4': 22.95, 'CS-5': 7.5, 'P-1': 14.4,
                                'CP-2': 8.1, 'CP-3': 2.5},
            # excluded user
            'user_4@vits.pro': {'S-1': 100, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0}

        for amount, email, title, acc_id, extra in Deposit.objects.values_list('amount', 'user__email', 'tm_account__title', 'tm_account_id', 'user__extra'):
            self.assertEqual(amount, Decimal(check_deposits[email][title]))
            self.assertEqual(extra['stat']['balance'][str(acc_id)], check_ratio[email][title])

    def test_balancing_with_concrete_values_and_offsets(self):
            This test contains check with concrete values that can be changed if fixtures change

            command: test viva_tm_wsc.tests.BalancingTest.test_balancing_with_concrete_values_and_offsets --keepdb --failfast

        check_deposits = {
            'user_1@vits.pro': {'S-1': 6000, 'S-2': 1000, 'CS-3': 6000, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 2000, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0},
            'user_2@vits.pro': {'S-1': 26000, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 4000,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0},
            'user_3@vits.pro': {'S-1': 0, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 5000, 'CP-3': 0},
            'user_4@vits.pro': {'S-1': 1234, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0}

        # set offset for brokers
        offsets = {'forex4you': -5000, 'roboforex': 5000}
        for broker in Broker.objects.all():
            broker.offset = offsets[broker.name]
            broker.save(update_fields=('offset', ))

        # before testing we need update stat

        # firstly, check amounts
        for amount, email, title in Deposit.objects.values_list('amount', 'user__email', 'tm_account__title'):
            self.assertEqual(amount, Decimal(check_deposits[email][title]))

        # run balancing
        date = StatItem.objects.first().date  # get first date for testing. Else date will be current date of test run.

        # update stat

        # and now we can test balancing
        check_deposits = {
            'user_1@vits.pro': {'S-1': 2430, 'S-2': 810, 'CS-3': 2880, 'CS-4': 2880, 'P-1': 2160, 'CP-2': 840,
                                'CS-5': 2250, 'CP-3': 750},
            'user_2@vits.pro': {'S-1': 4860, 'S-2': 1620, 'CS-3': 5760, 'CS-4': 5760, 'P-1': 4320, 'CP-2': 1680,
                                'CS-5': 4500, 'CP-3': 1500},
            'user_3@vits.pro': {'S-1': 810, 'S-2': 270, 'CS-3': 960, 'CS-4': 960, 'P-1': 720, 'CP-2': 280,
                                'CS-5': 750, 'CP-3': 250},
            # excluded user
            'user_4@vits.pro': {'S-1': 1234, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0}

        check_ratio = {
            'user_1@vits.pro': {'S-1': 16.2, 'S-2': 5.4, 'CS-3': 19.2, 'CS-4': 19.2, 'CS-5': 15, 'P-1': 14.4,
                                'CP-2': 5.6, 'CP-3': 5},
            'user_2@vits.pro': {'S-1': 16.2, 'S-2': 5.4, 'CS-3': 19.2, 'CS-4': 19.2, 'CS-5': 15, 'P-1': 14.4,
                                'CP-2': 5.6, 'CP-3': 5},
            'user_3@vits.pro': {'S-1': 16.2, 'S-2': 5.4, 'CS-3': 19.2, 'CS-4': 19.2, 'CS-5': 15, 'P-1': 14.4,
                                'CP-2': 5.6, 'CP-3': 5},
            # excluded user
            'user_4@vits.pro': {'S-1': 100, 'S-2': 0, 'CS-3': 0, 'CS-4': 0, 'P-1': 0, 'CP-2': 0,
                                'CS-5': 0, 'CP-3': 0}

        for amount, email, title, acc_id, extra in Deposit.objects.values_list('amount', 'user__email', 'tm_account__title', 'tm_account_id', 'user__extra'):
            self.assertEqual(amount, Decimal(check_deposits[email][title]))
            self.assertEqual(extra['stat']['balance'][str(acc_id)], check_ratio[email][title])
    "model": "email_auth.user",
    "pk": 1,
    "fields": {
        "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$30000$axUEA0wFRwUt$gcOfrcyN/P0wkyPBGWVSWG5EGm1WadURGYiK4naDS8A=",
        "is_superuser": true,
        "username": "user_1@vits.pro",
        "first_name": "Userov_1",
        "last_name": "User_1",
        "email": "user_1@vits.pro",
        "is_staff": true
    "model": "email_auth.user",
    "pk": 2,
    "fields": {
        "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$30000$zGngQJ6eNqIE$n4/EdBSwB1kAwzWtsabbCcOObMVMrd6qP9CGuY8PhUg=",
        "username": "user_2@vits.pro",
        "first_name": "Userov_2",
        "last_name": "User_2",
        "email": "user_2@vits.pro"
    "model": "email_auth.user",
    "pk": 3,
    "fields": {
        "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$30000$S4MY5OjtkxQV$D7J6Ylq2CIJ7ca6tw8gRyqiT5wIkzwc0/Po10rGGREY=",
        "username": "user_3@vits.pro",
        "first_name": "Userov_3",
        "last_name": "User_3",
        "email": "user_3@vits.pro"
    "model": "email_auth.user",
    "pk": 4,
    "fields": {
        "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$30000$BZ3pAWQvUDG1$PL/XqX+w/u/bpL2+Sbd2x6EGYpH0yLcB12QhyUuPVgg=",
        "username": "user_4@vits.pro",
        "first_name": "Userov_4",
        "last_name": "User_4",
        "email": "user_4@vits.pro"
    "model": "email_auth.user",
    "pk": 5,
    "fields": {
        "password": "pbkdf2_sha256$30000$BZ3pAWQvUDG1$PL/XqX+w/u/bpL2+Sbd2x6EGYpH0yLcB12QhyUuPVgg=",
        "username": "user_5@vits.pro",
        "first_name": "Userov_5",
        "last_name": "User_5",
        "email": "user_5@vits.pro"
    "model": "sb_site_info.siteinfo",
    "pk": 1,
    "fields": {
        "title": "Viva TM",
        "value": "{\"balancing\": {\"excluded_users\": [4]}, \"min_amount_rel_for_profitable_deposits\": 0.25}",
        "name": "viva_tm"
    "model": "viva_tm_wsc.tmaccount",
    "pk": 1,
    "fields": {
        "broker": 1,
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Артём Мальцев

Создатель доверительного управления Viva TM и выбирающий стабильные и низкорискованные финансовые инструменты для приумножения своих финансов и повышения капитала своих партнёров.

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Автор статьи: Артём Мальцев
Ссылка на статью: <a href="https://vivazzi.pro/ru/viva-tm/code/balancing/">https://vivazzi.pro/ru/viva-tm/code/balancing/</a>

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